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History Goes Bump: Ghost Tours For The Mind

Ghost tours for the theater of the mind! Join Diane as she explores the haunted history of locations, people and events. Each episode features a Moment in Oddity and This Month in History segment. Join us for chills and you might even learn something!

Dec 16, 2014

Thirty-four years ago this month, the world lost a music legend in an unexpected way outside of the Dakota on Central Park West in New York City:  assasination.  The story of John Lennon - his life, death and afterlife - is seasoned with legend and mystery.  Reams have been written about the life of John Lennon and in this podcast, Diane and Denise give a brief overview of his life and then focus more on what is not usually covered in the anthologies and documentaries about this gifted man and that is his afterlife.  The Moment in Oddity features the coffin of Lee Harvey Oswald and This Day in History recounts the Great New York Fire of 1835.

Check out the website:

Show notes can be found here: