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History Goes Bump: Ghost Tours For The Mind

Ghost tours for the theater of the mind! Join Diane as she explores the haunted history of locations, people and events. Each episode features a Moment in Oddity and This Month in History segment. Join us for chills and you might even learn something!

May 25, 2023

The Graffiti House is owned by the Brandy Station Foundation and served as a hospital during the Civil War. Soldiers left behind their marks on the walls of the second floor, which is the inspiration behind the house's name. These soldiers may have left behind their spirits as well, not only because some of them...

May 23, 2023

The historic Doheny Greystone Estate is more commonly known as the Greystone Mansion and was even once known as the Hearst Castle. This glorious and grand home was built in the future home of the Trousdale Estates overlooking Beverly Hills. The heir to one of the great financial empires, Edward "Ned" Doheny, Jr., the...

May 18, 2023

New South Wales in Australia seems to be the most haunted state in the country and for good reason. This was the first place colonized in Australia. Not only is there a long history here that features a country built by convicts, but there is the displacement of the indigenous people who had been here for thousands of...

May 11, 2023

Tinker Swiss Cottage is a unique and beautiful home that resembles a Swiss cottage. Built by the Tinker family, it would become a symbol for Rockford, Illinois and the family's contributions to Rockford would help the town grow. Most of the family members who had lived at the house, died at the house. Most of the...

May 9, 2023

The Toronto Grand Opera House was the scene of a haunting that was connected to a crime that was once dubbed the "Crime of the Century." Ambrose Small was a wealthy theater producer who mysteriously disappeared in 1919, on the same day he acquired one million dollars. He was never seen again and eventually...