Sep 15, 2022
Ogden, Utah may not seem like an important point in transportation today, but it was once the official transfer point for anyone set on getting to the West Coast. A train station has been located on this spot for over 150 years and the current Union Station has stood for nearly 100 years and in that time, thousands of people have walked through its doors. The station has seen quite a bit of tragedy. There was the Bagley train wreck, bodies from war, freak deaths, murders and suicides. Spirits seemed to have been left behind due to these tragic circumstances. Join us for the history and hauntings of Ogden's Union Station! The Moment in Oddity features cow chip throwing and This Month in History features Typhoon Vera.
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Music used in this episode:
Main Theme: Lurking in the Dark by Muse Music with Groove Studios
(Moment in Oddity) Vanishing by Kevin MacLeod
(This Month in History) In Your Arms by Kevin MacLeod
Outro Music: Happy Fun Punk by Muse Music with Groove Studios
Music licensing: PODCASTMUSIC.COM License Synchronization, Mechanical, Master Use and Performance Direct License for a Single Podcast Series under current monthly subscription.
Dead Redemption Full w Acoustic Guitar by ALIBI Music