Nov 21, 2023
A man was on a simple afternoon stroll on December 9, 1909 in his Savannah, Georgia neighborhood when he heard moaning coming from 401 W. Perry Street. What he found inside the small wooden house would horrify the city. One woman lay dying and two more were already dead. An axe had been used and the murders were brutal. As to who committed the crime, that remains a mystery, although the husband of one of the women was convicted and served some time in prison before being pardoned. Perhaps that is why the location where the murders happened has stories of hauntings.
Intro and Outro music: Bad Players - Licensed under a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, single-site, worldwide, royalty-free license agreement with Muse Music c/o Groove Studios.
The following music is licensed under CC BY 4.0:
Nothing Left by Dave Deville
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Percussion Intro 03 by TaigaSoundProd
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Investigate (Loopable) by Dave Deville
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Scary Industrial Noises by Tim Kulig
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