Jun 6, 2019
There are various types of cemeteries all around the world. There are those that are huge with grand sculptures and palatial mausoleums. Others are boring with flat stones and markers and fake flowers. Still others seem abandoned to the elements and time. The one thing they all hold in common is that they are a testament to humanity. We lived and we died. And hopefully, somebody cared. Sometimes these cemeteries are haunted. On this episode, we'll explore graveyards in New Hampshire, Florida, Colorado, Massachusetts, South Carolina and Georgia. Join me for Haunted Cemeteries 13! The Moment in Oddity features giant skeletons found in Lake Okeechobee and This Month in History features the first Drive-in Theater opening.
Check out the website: http://historygoesbump.com
Show notes can be found here: https://historygoesbump.blogspot.com/2019/06/hgb-ep-299-haunted-cemeteries-13.html
Become an Executive Producer: http://patreon.com/historygoesbump
Vanishing by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com (Moment in
In Your Arms by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com (This Month in
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
All other music licensing: PODCASTMUSIC.COM License Synchronization, Mechanical, Master Use and Performance Direct License for a Single Podcast Series under current monthly subscription.
Eulogies by Mort music is Long Time Gone by 5 Alarm Music on Drones & Beyond album.
Zombie Cemetery by 5 Alarm Music on Rockabilly Album
Lurking Shadow by 5 Alarm Music on Danger & Drama