Oct 18, 2018
The site where the Ferry Plantation House stands in Virginia Beach was once the scene of a trial for a woman accused of practicing witchcraft. That woman was Grace Sherwood and it would be her neighbors that claimed she was a witch who had bewitched their land and animals. She underwent the test of ducking to see if she was, indeed, a witch. Over the years, several houses stood on the site, falling victim to fires. The most recent house is a great example of Federal architecture and features a glimpse of Colonial life. This home also features ghostly activity produced by reputedly many apparitions. The Ferry Farm is said to be one of the most haunted locations in Virginia. Listener Whitney Zahar joins me to discuss the life of Grace Sherwood and the history and haunts of the Ferry Plantation House! Moment in Oddity features a flaming hole opening up in Arkansas and This Month in History features the death of William H. Eddy.
Check out the website: http://historygoesbump.com
Show notes can be found here: https://historygoesbump.blogspot.com/2018/10/ep-279-ferry-plantation-house-and.html
Become an Executive Producer: http://patreon.com/historygoesbump
Vanishing from http://purple-planet.com (Moment in Oddity)
In Your Arms by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com (This Month in
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