Jan 20, 2017
The Virginia City National Landmark is one of the nation’s largest historic districts and includes over five hundred buildings dating to the time of the great bonanzas, from 1859 to 1880. John Mackay was an industrialist who formed a partnership with three other Irishmen and operated silver mines on the Comstock Lode. They hit it big in 1873 when they discovered the “Big Bonanza.” That find built Virginia City and kept it on the map for the next two centuries. On this episode we are joined by three listeners: Tara Williams-Case, paranormal investigator with P.R.O.O.F. Paranormal Anna Frias and case manager for Pacific Coast Watch Pam Ennis. We discuss the history and hauntings of the Suicide Table, Silver Queen, Bucket of Blood Saloon, St. Mary's Art and Retreat Center and the Mackay Mansion. The Moment in Oddity features the Tootsie Roll Tale and This Month in History features the launching of the Submarine NAUTILUS. Our location was suggested by Tara Williams-Case, Jeni Justine, Pamela Ennis and Anna Frias.
Checkout the website: http://historygoesbump.com
Show notes can be found here: http://historygoesbump.blogspot.com/2017/01/hgb-ep-177-haunted-virginia-city.html
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Vanishing from http://purple-planet.com (Moment in Oddity)
In Your Arms by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com (Outro)
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