Mar 15, 2018
The city of Lakewood is a suburb of Denver, Colorado. There was never a traditional downtown in the city, but there was a central business area along Colfax Avenue and it became home to the Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society, which treated patients suffering from tuberculosis. When TB was no longer a threat, the property was opened as the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design. The college offers a curriculum in animation, photography, graphic design, fine arts and fashion design, but it also offers something else: ghosts. There have been many reports of supernatural activity on the campus and one of the people who has experienced that is our listener Kate Wilker, who suggested this location. Join us as we explore the history and hauntings of the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design! The Moment in Oddity was suggested by Nicole Dixon and features the Seaborn Goodall House and the This Month in History features British Parliament abolishes the slave trade.
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Vanishing from (Moment in Oddity)
In Your Arms by Kevin MacLeod (This Month in
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