Nov 13, 2015
Growing up, many of us sung a rhyme about the crime attributed to Lizzie Borden that began, "Lizzie Borden took an axe." But did this young woman actually commit the crime for which she was accused and aquitted? What was going on in this home with this family that people actually thought it was possible? What happened to the Borden family is not in dispute, nor are the facts unclear. It was August 4, 1892. Andrew Borden's body was found, shortly before noon, in his Fall River, Massachusetts parlor room. He had suffered many blows to the head, specifically to his face, with a blunt object. His wife, Abby, was found that same day in an upstairs boudoir with the back of her head bashed in. This violent crime remains unsolved and perhaps that is why the spirits are at unrest in this home. Come with us as we explore the home, the family, the crime and the hauntings connected to the Lizzie Borden House. Moment in Oddity features the Watseka Wonder and This Day in History features the publication of Moby Dick.
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